User predictions

User vote rank details
kevinkimz 1
user earned 1X week golden badge
user earned 3X week bronze badges
user earned 1X week silver badge
prev vote periodmonth, #02next vote period
average coefficients1.86number of average coeficientsuccess rate56%successful rate of votes
all predictions for period9all votespending prediction0number of pending votes
success predicted5number of success votespredicted fail4number of failed votes
rank position for period151number of points votessum of points0.88number of points votes
#match timematchvotestatuspointssummary
92017-02-27 16:00Leicester31Liverpool2- 1.000.88
82017-02-27 15:45Fiorentina22Torino1- 1.001.88
72017-02-27 15:30Bari20Brescia1+ 0.842.88
62017-02-27 14:00FBC Melgar21Universidad San Martin1+ 0.512.04
52017-02-27 13:00Galatasaray01Besiktas2+ 1.451.53
42017-02-27 13:00Apollon Limassol20Apoel1+ 1.720.08
32017-02-27 12:00Mlada Boleslav11Teplice1- 1.00-1.64
22017-02-27 11:10Al-Fateh22Lekhwiya SC2- 1.00-0.64
12017-02-24 14:30Rapid Vienna (am)02SC Ritzing2+ 0.360.36