User predictions

User vote rank details
Marcelo99 1
user earned 1X week bronze badge
user earned 2X week silver badges
prev vote periodweek, #25next vote period
average coefficients2.95number of average coeficientsuccess rate50%successful rate of votes
all predictions for period10all votespending prediction0number of pending votes
success predicted5number of success votespredicted fail5number of failed votes
rank position for period29number of points votessum of points2.65number of points votes
#match timematchvotestatuspointssummary
102019-06-17 19:00Japan04ChileX- 1.002.65
92019-06-17 19:00Curacao01El Salvador2+ 1.593.65
82019-06-17 15:00Germany (u21)31Denmark (u21)1+ 0.602.06
72019-06-17 14:30Austria (w)11Slovakia (w)1- 1.001.46
62019-06-17 13:00Orgryte10GAIS1+ 1.232.46
52019-06-17 12:30Serbia (u21)02Austria (u21)1- 1.001.23
42019-06-17 12:00Vikingur Olafsvik01Keflavik2+ 3.982.23
32019-06-17 11:30VPS12KuPS1- 1.00-1.75
22019-06-17 11:00Shakhter Soligorsk13Tambov2+ 0.25-0.75
12019-06-17 09:00Georgia (w)21United Arab Emirates (w)X- 1.00-1.00